ROMEO CHARLIE Brazilian States Trophies Hall of Fames

All-in-one results of Brazilian States Trophies

This dynamic and permanent ranking includes the following trophies : 2021 Brazilian States Trophies.

158 U 711

RC available
RC unvailable
Acre 3RC/AC Alagoas 3RC/AL Amazonas 3RC/AM Amapá 3RC/AM Bahia 3RC/AM Ceará 3RC/AM Distrito Federal 3RC/DF Espírito Santo 3RC/ES Goiás 3RC/GO Maranhão 3RC/MA Minas Gerais 3RC/MG Mato Grosso do Sul 3RC/MS Mato Grosso 3RC/MT Distrito Federal 3RC/DF Paraíba 3RC/PB Pernambuco 3RC/PE Piauí 3RC/PI Paraná 3RC/PR Rio de Janeiro 3RC/RJ Rio Grande do Norte 3RC/RN Rondônia 3RC/RO Roraima 3RC/RR Rio Grande do Sul 3RC/RS Santa Catarina 3RC/SC Sergipe 3RC/SE São Paulo 3RC/SP Tocantins 3RC/TO
Division Group Event

Romeo Charlie 11 meters band International Radio DX Group

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