26RC333 Dave

QSL Manager : Dave@26rc333.com
e-QSL via RCQSL.com or Clusterdx.nl

My Radio adventures started in 1978 with an old FCC AM 40 channel CB and lasted for about 10 years until other things took over my life.

I returned to the hobby in 2017. Having taken early retirement and finally having some time to myself, i thought it was time to get involved again.

My radio activities include LOTA and SOTA on the 11m band and I also try and find time to use PMR446

26RC333 Trafic condition

26RC333 Radio trafic conditions

My home station is a Kenwood TS480SAT Transceiver with a Kenwood MC-60 desk mic and a RM KL503 amplifier. My antenna is a Superyagi Moxon at 6m above the ground.

26RC333 DXCC

26RC333 confirms 78 DXCC with his Roméo Charlie callsign.