26RC200 Andy

QSL Manager : e-QSL only via RCQSL.com

Started with a radio interest back in the 60s with a 19 set 52 set and CB. Which was an education into valves and PSUs that had a bite!! Joined the RSGB back in 69 as a SWL and it all progressed from there. Widely travelled with work to many interesting distant locations and islands and always, when possible, with a radio. Professional radio working involved aviation and marine licenses . Still into equipment new and old and operate home QTH, Island locations throughout Scotland, mobile and maritime mobile plus portable. Semi retired now so lots of radio time.

26RC200 Trafic condition

26RC200 Radio trafic conditions

Yaesu FT710, 891, Icom 7300, Icom 8600(RX) Kenwood TS80. Various ATU, Antennas include centre fed and end fed long wires, Single Element Beam, Delta loop. Multiband vertical and Antron 99,