Hello DX friends,
I am Pieter the 19RC689 from the southeast of the Netherlands. I started in the early eighties with CB radio (11m) on local frequencies but especially on DX frequencies worldwide. My transmitter I used was a Midland 7001 400ch Precisision Series with a vertical antenna about 20m high. I still have this transmitter from the year 1981 in my collection. I was able to make OSOs with many DX friends worldwide. At that time I archived many QSL cards in binders which had to be handwritten and sent through the post office to my DX friends.
At one point the conditions collapsed and soon enough I met my wife Jessica in 1997 whom I have since married in Aruba. I moved in together soon enough and didn't use my hobby CB radio for a long time. Until about a year ago, when I started itching to take up my hobby again. Now in March 2025, I installed a new vertical antenna on the flat roof of my garage. Together with my Yaesu FT-920 and my President Hymalaya WB antenna, I can finally make worldwide contacts again. My first contacts in my Logbook are from Paraguay, USA, Canada and Malta. So promising for the coming time to be able to make new contacts. The beauty of it is that now the QSL cards can be sent over the Internet. To log my contacts, I use the websites of https://rcqsl.com and https://clusterdx.org.
Hope to meet you soon on one of the 11m frequencies and enjoy this special beautiful hobby.
Kind regards and 73,
19RC689, Pieter.
Tranceiver: Yaesu FT-920
Microphone: Yaesu HandMike: MH-31 / Yaesu MD-100 TableMike
Antenne: President Hymalaya WB 1/2 Wave
Amplifier: None External