595 / 5.000
My name is Jack (Sjaak in Dutch), 64 years old and my profession is a caretaker at a primary school. I have taken up CB as a hobby again a few years ago and now work on it every day. My favorite frequency is at 11 meters and 70cm. At home I have an Antron 99, a Diamond X50 and a multiband antenna for HF.
I have a GPS 27 1/2 and X50 on my allotment garden and I often transmit there. I have a lot of QRM at home, but on my allotment I am completely free of QRM. In my car I also have a transmitter and a Little Will on the roof.
See you on the frequency, 73 19RC161 Jack
Yaesu 857d, Anytone 6666pro, Antron 99, Diamond X50, 9 element yagi, GPS 27 1/2