I knew the RC group in late 90's through Stephane (Thank you !!) . I forgot my QRZ of that passed time, but I liked those passed days, they made me get deeper into 11m. I grew up, but my passion for DX contact still remains . Us in the 188th Division, we're few , the GSM destroyed the CB, in the 90's we were more than 500 in a club, now few are on the air. I am coming back, and willing to stay until the propag goes away... I restored my old TS50 Kenwood and my 30Amps power supply , my old 1/4 GP 11m antenna. I am an IT person from head to toes, learning new stuff doesn't scare me., I am now learning CW even if others think it's obsolete.. I always dreamed about mastering it I love this group even though we're not often heard. Meet you on the air guys .. 73s from 188RC101 op: Marika
Kenwood TS50 - 1/4 GP antenna sirtel - Power Supply Alinco 30 Amps - straight keyer