I decided to tell you today, blogger friends are cibists, radio amateur as they also say, my cibist experience which really marked and built my life.
Today we have blogs, forums to communicate but also the Citizen-band, in short the CB (we pronounce as in English cibi). Because know that there are still followers of this free means of communication like me, . for you some visitors who ask you the question or who do not know the cb radio
I knew this mode of transmission when I was very young, 14.15 years old, with a family friend who was conversing with the whole world.I was impressed by the material he had, I will always remember the day I arrived at him ! and When I saw those big antennas on the roof by this giant motorized antenna that was spinning on its roof and I'm not talking about the shack *! (radio room) when I saw them talking with a person who found it thousands of kilometers away
That day I felt a Frisian invade me, it was the radio virus that I had just caught for life. My beginnings as a cibist were discreet. In the evening after college and on weekends, I turned the big VFO knob with a school friend in the evening we did homework with a cibi I had a 22 channels so his father had sold me, and I I listened to the cibists also exchange with each other ..... who held very technical speeches in which I did not understand half of what I was told in cibist language "what is your QRA, what is your QRA kept telling me t ' on »QRA stands for home (city). But why did they all want to know where I lived ??. I had a mobile antenna that my father had fixed on the window sill with a homemade iron plinth, Then certain life study event is SN we did that I started doing radio in 1985 / 1986. My first Tx (Radio Transmitter) Was a President Grant and with the advice of my family friend I got into the world of DX (long distance) the radio equipment has to evolve in the shack can have can in the heart time.
Because this desire to communicate with people I don't know from all over the world is rooted in me,
DX for me is like a big library where every day that passes when we turn on the transceiver we are not with whom we are going to discuss it is like an adventure book! .
However, I have the good fortune or the bad luck to grow old, which leaves behind me a certain experience of many DX contacts I have made friends in the world and I can say that the people I have met on the waves are of extraordinary politeness and courtesy !.
The radio (and the 27mhz band or also called 11 meters or cb is part of it), it's something else, it's an attitude, maybe even a state of mind, another dimension. do not know the people with whom we discuss, then everyone is at the same level. Especially in DX.
it is also a discovery, we travel via the airwaves all over the world, trying to locate our friend online on our world map hanging in front of us, on the wall ... One moment we chat with a friend on Martinique, just after an English, a Spanish etc ... And what incredible joy when you receive your qsl, J (postcards which testify to these international exchanges on the airwaves). we even have trouble believing it sometimes which still happens to me sometimes hey yes hey
Believe me, it is a great emotion when we answer you for the QSO in Dx !!!
As I said A good QSO Dx in 27 has to be earned! you just have to stay correct with the person you are talking to via the mike (microphone)
DX on 27 MHz also allows me to be an ambassador for my country. It is very exciting is to have the possibility to contact colleagues from all countries of the world, without distances or languages ​​being a limit, is something that is very exciting.
Thank you to those who read me to the end. 73s
Multi tx